Thursday, December 18, 2014

Tuesday and Wednesday Practice

On Tuesday we started of doing our regular four quarters. After we were done with those we practice more on our defense. And we did this activity called "fire" what we did for this was that we had to get into our defensive position and run in place as fast as we can and we would jump to the left every time coach would yell "jump." And when coach would yell "go" we would do a wind sprint as fast as we can and do it all over again. This activity was a different form of "four quarters."

On Wednesday we were able to take it a little easy. All we did was run two of our four quarters. When we were done with those coach was talking to us about practicing through out Christmas break. After he was done talking to us we shot our twenty-fives. Twenty-fives are when you are start near the basket and you move around the rim and shoot 25 shots. And when you are done with the first 25 you take a few steps back and shoot 25 more and you go back as far as you are comfortable.

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Yesterdays pratice

In practice yesterday we sprinted for 32 minutes. We ran four times within that 32 minutes. We ran for 8 minutes straight and took a 1 minute break than did the same thing. This is called for quarters of running. After we did that we practiced our defensive stance.

When we were practicing our defensive stance we did something called defensive four quarters. This is when you get in the defensive stance and you run in place on your toes as fast as you can. You have to keep your feet moving for the whole practice. We did this four times for about 30 seconds each time. And after we were done with that we practice more on our defense.

Monday, December 15, 2014

Last week of school

This week is the last week of school before Christmas break. I am very happy that this is going to be the last week before Christmas break. Everyone is trying to finish up their class work for the year. Also everyone in the school is practicing for their plays and songs for the Christmas program on Wednesday. There is going to be two Christmas programs one on the 17th and one on the 24th.

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

This Weeks Basketball Practice

So far this week our basketball practices were a little difficult. It was difficult because we had to practice without our coach. Our coach is off island because he is trying to get coaches from other schools to bring their teams hereto St.Paul Island Alaska. He is going to be off island until friday. So that means we are going to have to practice all week without his help.

On monday we started off our practice doing layups for warm ups. After we were done with that we started to jog. We jogged for about five minutes. After we were done jogging we did running exercise called four quarters. What we do during four quarters is that we will do two wind sprints, a set of lines, and two backward wind sprints as fast as we can with only twenty seconds for break between each run.

On tuesday we started off our practice doing layups again for a warm up. Then we jogged for five minutes again also. After that we ran full speed for about twenty minutes. After we were done with that we done another running activity called sweet sixteen. And what you do on sweet sixteen is that you have a partner and you have to run back and forth from one side of the court to the other. And you are also being time. Each time you reach a side of the court your partner will count it and once you reach sixteen you are done. We did this two times and the point of it is to beat your time every time you try.

And these couple of days we have been trying to run plays. But it has been difficult because our coach is the one who remembers the plays fully. We were trying to run the plays but the players were barely able to remember how the plays went. We had to draw out all of our plays yesterday. And this was able to help our captains remember most of the play we needed to learn.

Today we will probably do layups to help us warm up again. And will probably jog to finish up the warm up. Hopefully we will not run as much today as we have been for the past couple of days.But our coach is supposed to be on the phone with us during our practice today. This will help us a little bit to remember all of the plays we need to learn.

Friday, December 5, 2014

Reindeer huting

This summer I went on a reindeer hunt with my uncle, aunt, and brother. My uncle and I were the only ones who were getting a deer. We took out a few four wheelers and went on the south west side of the island and found the reindeer herd by a cliff. We had crawled a couple hundred yards to get close to the deer. Once we got close enough I had fired my gun and shot a reindeer.

The reindeer that I shot had dropped to the ground. After I gutted the deer my uncle and I followed the herd so that he could get his deer. We had followed the herd for about 1500 yards. And my uncle had fired a couple of shots before he hit one of the deer. After he gutted his deer we tied them to our four wheelers took them home and skin them and we let them hang for a few days. After a few days we cut up all of the meat and packaged most of them to save but we made a few stakes and ate them.

Senior Graduation

I am a senior in high school and I should be graduating next semester. The graduation is gonna be on May fifteenth. The senior class and I have been fundraising since around mid Summer. We have been done about three raffles to raise money. And we have also hosted a few Community dances to make money.

The seniors and I have to raise a lot of money so that we could buy decorations for the graduation ceremony. We have made over half of the money we need just by doing raffles and hosting dances. Our school only has a few people who graduate every year because we live on a small island. Since there are only a few people who graduate each year we try to make it as special as we can. All of the graduations have been done at the City hall for the past few years.

In the past most of the Senior Graduations would be held in the school's gymnasium. But a few years ago the school had bought a new gym and they did not want to ruin the floor. Since they did not want to ruin the floor they did not want to have any more graduations there any more. So now all of the graduations are going to be at the City hall. And after the graduation there is always a community dance.

This Christmas Break

This Christmas break their will hopefully be a lot snow. I hope that there is snow because I like to ride around in it on my four wheeler. I like to go to the dunes here and tear through the big snow drifts. I would usually always go riding with two other people with four wheelers. We like to ride through the whole day most of the night every day.

Christmas break

There are only fourteen more days until Christmas break here on St.Paul. I cannot wait until Christmas break is here. I cannot wait for my sister to come back home and to get a break from doing school work. And I am going to enjoy not having to wake up early and go to school at eight in the morning. And I am going to be happy that I will not have to blog until the break is over.

This Christmas break is going to be 24 days long. This is a couple of days longer then it has been for the past couple of years. For the past couple of years Christmas break was only about two and a half weeks long. The break is going to be from December nineteenth until January twelfth. We will get Christmas and Russian Christmas off during break.

There are a few things that the community does during Christmas break. One thing we do is gather up at City Hall on Christmas Eve to have a Christmas program. People from the community decorates the City hall for this program.  Each class from our school puts on a Christmas play or sings a Christmas song for the community. After each class is done performing the whole community sings "here comes Santa Claus" and watch "Santa" come out and let kids sit on his lap and tell him what they want for christmas. Then the fire department gives out presents to all of the children in the community.

On Christmas day everyone stays home with their family and has a big Christmas dinner. On New Years Eve the community gathers together on the schools ball field. We gather their so that we could watch the fireworks at midnight. The fire works usually last around thirty to forty five minutes and after that everyone goes home. And for Russian Christmas most of the community will go to church and have a nice big family dinner after.

Tonights gameplay

Tonight was the first time that our basketball team had lost a game this year. This was our fifth game that we have played this year. We played against a couple of players we have not played against this year. But most of the players on the team have played against them last year. This year is my first time joining my high schools basketball team so I had no experience playing against those new players.

I only mad one out of three shots in tonights game. I was not playing as hard as I should have been playing. I was not playing good enough on defense. I was not being aggressive enough when I was boxing out the players on the other team. And I was not doing the things that my coach was wanting to do.

The rest of my team did pretty good though. They were taking pretty good care with the ball. They were making their shots. The taller guys on the team were collecting both offensive and defensive rebounds. And they were passing the ball to open people so that they can make their shots.

The two co-captains were probably playing the best out of everyone on the team. They were hustling when they were on offense and defense. They were passing the ball to each other when they were open. They were setting screens for each other so that the player with the ball can get open to take a shot. And they were making most of the shots they were throwing up.

No snow December

It is December 5th and we still do not have any snow what so ever here on St.Paul Island Alaska. It has snowed here a couple of times but nothing has stayed for more than two day. Most of the days here have been rainy or drizzly. I think that there is not going to be any snow here until at least late December. The weather was also like this last year. I think that it is because of Global Warming.

Senior Raffling

Our senior class has been doing raffles to pay for our graduation ceremony. So far we have only done three raffles. The first raffle we did was for a brand new kindle fire. The second raffle we did was for a big box of Opilio crab. And the raffle that we are currently doing is for a round trip ticket from St. Paul island to Anchorage Alaska and back.

Basketball team fundraising

During our preseason we have done some fundraising for our basketball team. So far we hosted a halloween carnival at out local City hall. We sold food and ran the carnival games. And we also done a raffle for a beautiful picture of our islands scenery. And we are also during a raffle currently for a picture of an albino Northern Fur Seal.

Tonights basketball game

Tonight is our high school basketball teams first game of the season. But we have been playing games since the beginning of pre season. Tonight is going to be our first time wearing our new team jerseys. Our team has been fundraising all of preseason and we bought brand new jerseys. We are playing against our local adult team.

Living on St.Paul AK

Life on St. Paul Island can be pretty boring. But there are some days that can be kind of fun. It can be fun because we have a lot of freedom on this island. Kids are able to play out throughout the town without having their parents worrying about them. And kids are able to pretty much everywhere because it is a small island.

What I like to do here on St.Paul is go four wheel riding. I like to go ride in the dunes and on the beaches. We have about five big beaches that most people will ride on. And our island is filled with sand dunes. The sand dunes are mostly around the north east of the island.

I also like to ride my parents car and go out shooting. I have four guns that I take out shooting. I have a .243 winchester savage, a .223 AR15, and two .22 pistols. When I go out shooting I will usually go to the islands rock quary. But if that is not open I will go to a pit on the southwest part of the island.

Basketball practice

I am going to talk about my high school's basketball team practices. We just started the official season on Monday this week. We have a basketball practice every day of the week except Friday.
We practice during the preseason and the regular season. The preseason started in early November.

During the pre season we did not do any kinds of basketball plays. For the first half of preseason all we did was sprint for twenty minutes and go to a weight room after. We would sprint for ten minutes straight then take a two minute break and run for another ten minutes straight. And when we went to the weight room we stayed in there for about an hour. For the second half of the preseason we sprinted for twenty minutes and did circuit training for forty minutes every day.

For the first day of the official season we started off with thirty minutes of non stop running. After we were done with that we practiced our dribbling. We were running down the court as fast as we can while dribbling the ball with our dominant hand. Then we did the same thing but with our "weak" hand. And when we were done with that we practice dribbling through our legs and around our backs. We had to dribble down the court and through our legs at the free throw then dribble behind our back at half court then through our legs again at the second free throw.

For the second day of the season we ran for thirty minutes straight again. And after that we worked a little on our shooting form. We were bouncing the ball and catching it then shooting the ball against the wall. After we were done we worked on our follow through. We were laying down on our backs and throwing the ball straight up in the air with one hand and catching it after.

For the third day of the season we ran for about thirty five to forty minutes. After we were done with that we played a game called three on three rebounding. What we did is we had three offensive players and three defensive players fighting to get the rebounds from coaches shots. After we were done with that we played a game called "pink panties." What we did in this game is that the whole team stood under the basket and everyone is trying to get the rebound and the person who does not get a rebound has to wear the "pink panties" but not really though. And at the end of practice everybody one at a time has to shoot two free throw shots. If a person misses a free throw the whole team has to do one down and back if the person misses both shots the team has to do two down and backs and if a person makes an air ball the team has to do two down and backs also.

Friday, November 21, 2014

Marijuana in Alaska

Earlier this month the state made marijuana legal in Alaska. But even though the state says it is legal it is not official for ninety days. There are a lot of people who say that marijuana should not be legal in Alaska because it is a gateway drug. But there are also a lot of people who do not believe that marijuana is a gateway drug. And there are also people who say that it should be legal because it will make people buy it instead of alcohol.

I think that it should be legal even though I do not do it at all. I think that it should be legal because it might help people to stop buying so much alcohol. And I do not believe that it is a gateway drug because I have seen people use it and I have never heard them say that they wanted to try other drugs. But I am not completely sure about it though. I am not sure about it because people up here do not have access to different drugs and this is a good thing because they could not become addicted to them.

St. Paul AK Weather

The weather on St. Paul has been pretty warm this fall. It has been unusually warm but its been like this for the past couple year. We have not had any snow that stayed here yet. It only snowed a few times here on St. Paul. And it has been raining pretty much everyday.

Usually by this time of the year there would be snow covering the ground. And the temperature would usually be pretty low by now. The temperature it has been recently is like 30-45˚F. This temperature is cold for most people but for people who live in Alaska it is pretty warm. But there are people in Alaska who would still think that this weather is cold.

I think that I would rather have it be snowing around this time instead of having it rain. I would rather have it snow because I am tired of the rain. I like that the temperature is warm but again I am just tired of the rain. The reason I am tired of the rain is because it has just been raining way to much up here. And the rain makes the internet a lot slower for everybody here on St. Paul.

Friday, November 14, 2014

Alaska Aces

Despite a 2-1 lead in the first period, the Aces fell 4-3 Sunday to the Condors. Alaska defenseman Quinn Sproule found the back of the net five seconds after the conclusion of a first period Glacier blue power play to give the Aces a 1-0 lead. Center Brendan Connolly recorded his first goal of the season six minutes later to extend Alaska's lead by two. But Bakersfield would not go scoreless in the first period. Blueliner Graeme Craig put the Condors within one with three minutes to go in the first. 
Craig's late first period goal proved to give the Condors momentum in the second period of play. Chase Schaber tallied the equalizer, while Nick MacNiel gave Bakersfield a 3-2 advantage. With three and a half minutes to go in regulation, Olivier Archambault gave the Aces hope when he scored to tie the game, 3-3. But the Condors took advantage of a late power play and Connor Jones recorded the game winning goal with 38 seconds left in regulation.

Farewell bison

The population of the farewell bison who lives in the plaines of Southwest Alaska have been declining over the years. But biologist say that this year the bison count has been higher then its been in years. Biologist say that back in 2006 the count of this bison was about 40. And last summer the count was up to 400 bison. I am writing about this because I have ran out of topics to talk about.

Pavlof Volcano

The Pavlof volcano was seen spitting out ash a few days ago. Scientist say that this is a new phase of eruptive activity. This cause them to have a heightened alert level for the volcano. There was an observer in Cold Bay who spotted the ash. He says the ash was at about 9,000 feet in elevation.

He was about 36 miles away from the volcano when he had seen it. This volcano had last eruption began in early June and ended in late July of this year. Pavlof is considered the most active volcano in Alaska. AVO upgraded the volcano from "normal" to "watch." AVO says that the seismic tremor had greatly increased in a few hours and has stay elevated.

Friday, November 7, 2014

Man mauled by bear

In Kodiak there was a 68 year old man named Mike who was out hunting on Sally island which is an island that is close to Kodiak. This man was on his sixth day of his hunting trip with his son in law. They both had rifles and were hiking up a hill one of them had killed a deer on the top of the hill and gutted it. After they were finished gutting the deer they dragged it back down the hill. They decided to take a short break to eat.

They estimated that they were less than a mile away from their boat that they took to get to the island. They started to eat the food they had brought and were hoping to spot another deer. But then they heard some movement in the bushes. So one of the men had shot a bullet into the bush. But he says the bushes were thick in that area so he could not see farther than six feet in front of him.

When they saw the bear they said it looked like it exploded out of the bush. It was charging straight for them. The bear went for Mike and got on top of him and bit the back of his leg. The bear was shaking Mike back and forth and dragging him on the ground. Mike was not able to reach for his rifle.

Mike could not reach for his rifle because it was to far away. So he tried to grab his revolver he had but he was not able to unlatch the revolver from his holster. Then his son in law grabbed his rifle and fired two shots at the bear. The first shot hit the bear in the hindquarters. Than the second shot had hit the bear in the chest.

The bear had dropped but was not dead. The bear was dragging Mike down the hill. Then the son in law fired a third shot and that killed the bear. Mike had to get more than a 100 staples in the back of his leg. But did not get permanently injured.

Typhoon Nuri

There is a Typhoon that it closing in on the bering sea. This Typhoon is called Typhoon Nuri. There are quite a bit of people who are freaked out about this Typhoon. And there are other people who do not really care. There are people on this island who are preparing for the Typhoon.

They are boarding up all of there windows on their houses. And they are also tying down anything that is outside of their houses so that they do not blow away. I am not worried about it even though I live in the middle of the Bering sea. I am not worried about it because even though I live in the middle of the Bering sea nothing really ever happens to our island. Another reason why I am not worried is because people are saying that the Typhoon has died down quite a bit.

Im also not worried because even though the island I live on is in the middle of the Bering sea the storm is gonna mostly affect islands on the Aleutian chain. I think that the people who live on this island and are worried about the storm are really worried for no reason. It is smart to prepare but the storm is not gonna be very extreme here. If I was living on the chain I would prepare for the worst. But I don't so I am not preparing for it at all.

There are places saying that this Typhoon is going to make waves reach hight's up to 50 feet high. They also say that the winds speeds are supposed to reach 120 knots. But here on St. Paul Island, AK the waves are only supposed to get as high as 25 feet. And the wind speeds are only supposed to reach 50 miles per hour. So it is not gonna be as bad as people thought.

Almost every body here are saying it is not gonna be as bad as they say. But even though people think that they never know because the weather can change pretty fast. It can change fast and catch the people who did not prepare off guard. This storm is supposed to last for the whole weekend here on our island. That is all I have to say.

Friday, October 17, 2014

Anchorage news

On Saturday October 11th there was a 52 year old man who had called the Ted Stevens airport saying that one of the planes were gonna blow up. After the airport had received this call they grounded all of the flight from anchorage. The place were able to trace where the call had came from. The 52 year old man had 24 criminal charges already and already had two warrants out for his arrest. The man had bail set for him at $1,500.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

News in Anchorage Alaska

On Late friday night an Anchorage Police Department cruiser had hit a pedestrian on the road. The police office was traveling south on Muldoon Road. The pedestrian was a 64-year old man who was walking on the side walk and had stepped onto the street. The man was taken to the hospital with serious injuries. The stretch of the road has been targeted for improved safety improvements because of its high crash rate.

News about Alaska

Recently places in Alaska have made a ban against synthetic drugs. Alaska is banning drugs like spice based on their packaging. Most of the packaging that is on spice says not for human consumption but those words are usually covered up with names like "Mr. Happy," "Dead Man walking" and "OMG." The new law says that a synthetic drug should be forbidden if its label does not show the ingredients. As of monday the Anchorage Police Department had issued seven citations under the ordinance since January.

Monday, October 13, 2014

The Rest Of Bering Sea Days

Every year my school has a week of outdoor activities called Bering Sea Days. On Monday and Tuesday we went reindeer hunting. On Wednesday we did a lot of different activities. None of the activities that we did were outside.

On Wednesday we help put together a baby killer whale's bones. This killer whale was a whale that we my class dug up last bering sea days. We only got all of the vertebrae put together. The people who did not go on the reindeer hunt were putting the whale together through out the whole week. We are going to continue putting the skeleton together next semester.

Also on Wednesday we were cooking a reindeer that Paul had go during the weekend. We cut a lot of pieces and made it into jerky. We also put a lot of meat through the grinder so that we could make burgers out of it. Some people were making a salad to go with the reindeer burgers. And someone was able to saute the reindeers heart.

On Thursday we continued to put the killer whales skeleton together. After we helped with that we had to go dissect kitiwake stomachs. Most of the people did not like having to cut the stomachs open. After we did that the younger grades cooked the kitiwakes. Only the younger grades were able to do this because the older grades had cooked the day before.

We also had to sit through peoples presentations about the Bering Sea. Some guy named Seth was doing a presentation about waves. And a guy name Josh was doing a presentation about archeology. During Josh's presentation he was talking about finding spear heads. He brought a few spears for us to throw.

On Friday all we did was stay in our class room and we made posters. The people who went hunting made a poster about the reindeer hunt. And the people who did not go on the reindeer hunt did their presentation about digging for fossils. At the end of the day every one who made a poster had to present them and people had to judge them. And the reindeer hunters poster had won first place.

10 Things About Me

1. I am Kirk Mandregan and I live in St.Paul Island Alaska.
2. I am a senior in high school.
3. I like to ride my 4 wheeler occasionally.
4. I like to go shooting.
5. I have an AR15 and two .22 pistols.
6. I like playing video games from time to time.
7. I worked as a baiter this summer and am still currently working.
8. I have 3 brothers and 2 sisters.
9. I am the 2nd to youngest child.
10. I am an Aleut.

My sports bike

Recently I changed the oil on my Trx450r. I changed my engine oil and my transmission oil. I have to change the oil on my bike a lot. I have to change the engine oil every 20 hours of riding. And i have to change the transmission oil every 40 hours of riding.

When I changed my oil I needed to use a few socket wrenches and extensions to get the cap and bolt out of the engine. The engine oil cap is located under the engine so i needed to have an extender to reach the cap. And the transmission bolt is located on the left side of the engine in front of my chain.

Bering sea days

Every year in my school we have a week of outside activities and we call this week bering sea days. Every grade in my school participates in bering sea days. We have people come here to teach us about the bering sea. We also have people come up here to help us with our activities. 

On Monday and Tuesday of bering sea days some of the high school kids went on a reindeer hunt. On Monday we were able to find the reindeer pretty fast. We had to crawl for a few hundred yards so that we could get close to them. We got pretty close to the reindeer we were about a hundred and fifty yards away. And Paul Melovidov was the person with the rifle. 

Paul crawled farther then the rest of the group did. He had to get at least a hundred yards away from the reindeer. We sat their for about 40 minutes waiting for him to shoot. He got pretty close to the reindeer but he missed his shot. He missed his shot because he dropped his gun on the weekend and it threw off his scope.

On Tuesday we went on this hill called lake hill to try to see if we could spot the reindeer. We did not see them anywhere so we went on this hill called Polovina. We spotted them when we were on Polovina. We saw them by this lake called big lake. We call it big lake because it is the biggest lake on our island. 

We drove our vehicles to the car dump that is near big lake. We had to walk nearly a mile until we got at least two hundred yards away from the reindeer. Once we go that close we started to flat crawl on our stomachs to try to get at least a hundred yards away. We had left our backpacks and anything that would stick out. But once we got to the destination we wanted to be at the reindeer had moved.

Because they moved three of us were about to go back to get our backpacks. But once we started to head back the reindeer had moved back to where we wanted them to be. So we went back to the rest of the group and paul had crawled farther so that he could get close to the reindeer. Paul was able to get a little then a hundred yards away form the reindeer. He missed his first shot.

After he had fired his first shot the reindeer started to run around a lot. The had ran closer to him because they were not able to see him in the grass. Once they got pretty close he had fired a second shot and he killed a reindeer. After he killed one reindeer the rest of them got even closer to him. He then sat up and the reindeer finally saw him.

After the reindeer saw him they ran towards us. It was pretty cool to be able to see the reindeer herd run past us. Since they ran past us a couple of took out our phones and ipods to take videos and pictures of the herd. A few of us went to go see the reindeer that had been killed. And two people went back to get everyones backpacks and stuff. 

Paul was the only one who was able to cut the reindeer. He had to cut the reindeer down the front side of it's body. He started from the sternum and went all the way down to the rear end. He had to be very careful while doing this so that he did not puncture the stomach. If he had punctured the stomach he would have spoiled the meat.

He had to cut the throat so that he could grab the esophagus. He had grabbed the esophagus so that he could pull it down and take out all of the guts and intestines. He cut all around the neck so that he could take the head off of the body. Once all of the guts and intestines were out of the body we put the reindeer into this sled. We put it into the sled so that it would be much easier to haul back to the trucks.

After we put the reindeer in the back of the truck we went back to the school. We were at the school for about five minutes. Then we went to go hang the reindeer. Most people like to hang their reindeer so that all of the extra blood could drain out of the body. We let the reindeer hang for three days.

While it was hanging we had to take the skin and fur off of the body. We also had to take all of the fat off of the body. Then we put some game bags around the reindeer to keep bugs off of it.  After three days we quartered the reindeer up so that it would be easier to cut the meat off. And that is what we did on our reindeer hunt during bering sea days.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

My sports bike

I have a new sports bike that I bought a few weeks ago. It is a Honda Trx450r. I bought it from a guy named Mike Baldwin. I bought it for $5900. The bike had two previous owners before Mike.

The two previous owners did not really take it out riding much. Because they didn't ride much the bike was just sitting their rusting away. The first owner of the bike was named Dustin. And the second owner was named Ilarion.

Mike Baldwin had the bike for about a year almost before he sold it. The whole time he had it he was working on it. He had it up and running good in the beginning of the summer. I saw him riding it and i told him that i wanted to buy it.

I had to work as a baiter this summer to get the money to pay for the bike. I started baiting around the middle of the summer. I am still baiting somedays after school. I only bait on certain days because some days if it is ugly out the crew wont take the boat out to go fish. Baiting is the highest paying jobs you can get on this island as a youth. But it is the only job that still goes on after summer is over.

The bike has a push start on it so it doesn't have a kick start. It is a bike that uses a clutch. It is a very powerful 4-wheeler. The person i bought it from completely fixed it up. He bought it from someone who didn't really take care of it.

It has a new engine on it. And a brand new exhaust pipe. Half of the nuts and bolts on it are stainless steel. I have the other half of the stainless steel bolts and nuts i just have to put them on. I also have some heel guards for it that i have to put on.

Everything on my bike is pretty much brand new. It is white and black and it has a brand new red powder coated frame on it so that it doesn't rust.  It runs really good and it works well on the beaches and tundras. I used to ride a Honda 420 but that was a utility bike so I couldn't really do anything fun on it. I bought my new bike because it is made for racing and jumping.

The bike only has two wheel drive. I can only really drive it around in the tundras while there is no snow. I could ride it around town in the winter but I probably wont. I wont because it would be difficult to start because of the cold. Also it would be pretty dangerous to ride around.

The bike originally costed about $6900. The price dropped from $6900 to $5900 because it needed a new battery, one new headlight, and a new chain and sprockets. I already bought a new battery and headlight for it. I only need to get the new chain a sprockets. I also got a new brake line for it to because the old one had a slow brake fluid leak.

I want to get some nerf bars for my bike. I want to get nerf bars because they make it a-lot safer to jump with my bike. Nerf bars are little frame like things you put around the foot pegs. Nerf bars prevent your foot from slipping of the peg. If your foot slipped of the peg when you didn't have nerf bars you would get sucked under the tires.

My bike is a high maintenance machine. I check the oil on it every time before i take it out riding. You have to change the engine oil every 20 hours of riding. And you have to change the transmission oil every 40 hours of riding. And it is usually good to make sure that all the nuts, screws, and bolts are nice and tight every six months or so.

I've taken my bike on most of the beaches on my island. I've taken it in the dunes on the island. And about half of the trails that are on my island. There are many dunes, beaches, and trails on the island that i can take my bike on. I haven't taken my bike on any of the big dunes yet.

I have only taken it out riding like 20 times. I will usually only ride it on really nice days but sometimes i will take it out on a rainy day. I will ride it to school only on really nice days though. When i take it out riding i will usually only take it out for a short period of time. The only time i'll keep it out for a long time is if i am riding with other people.

My bike is a-lot faster than most of the other 4-wheelers on the island. The only person on the island that has a bike that could possibly be faster than mine is the guy i bought it from. My bike is one of the fastest because most of the people up here only have utility bikes. All the other sports bikes up here are almost all broken down because the owners never really took care of them. When i was young almost everybody had a sports bike.

I really like my new bike because it is a sports bike. It's performance is a-lot better than a utility bike. It is smaller than utility bikes. I hope that my bike lasts a really long time. This is all i have to say about my new trx450r sports bike.