Friday, December 5, 2014

Living on St.Paul AK

Life on St. Paul Island can be pretty boring. But there are some days that can be kind of fun. It can be fun because we have a lot of freedom on this island. Kids are able to play out throughout the town without having their parents worrying about them. And kids are able to pretty much everywhere because it is a small island.

What I like to do here on St.Paul is go four wheel riding. I like to go ride in the dunes and on the beaches. We have about five big beaches that most people will ride on. And our island is filled with sand dunes. The sand dunes are mostly around the north east of the island.

I also like to ride my parents car and go out shooting. I have four guns that I take out shooting. I have a .243 winchester savage, a .223 AR15, and two .22 pistols. When I go out shooting I will usually go to the islands rock quary. But if that is not open I will go to a pit on the southwest part of the island.

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