Friday, December 5, 2014

Christmas break

There are only fourteen more days until Christmas break here on St.Paul. I cannot wait until Christmas break is here. I cannot wait for my sister to come back home and to get a break from doing school work. And I am going to enjoy not having to wake up early and go to school at eight in the morning. And I am going to be happy that I will not have to blog until the break is over.

This Christmas break is going to be 24 days long. This is a couple of days longer then it has been for the past couple of years. For the past couple of years Christmas break was only about two and a half weeks long. The break is going to be from December nineteenth until January twelfth. We will get Christmas and Russian Christmas off during break.

There are a few things that the community does during Christmas break. One thing we do is gather up at City Hall on Christmas Eve to have a Christmas program. People from the community decorates the City hall for this program.  Each class from our school puts on a Christmas play or sings a Christmas song for the community. After each class is done performing the whole community sings "here comes Santa Claus" and watch "Santa" come out and let kids sit on his lap and tell him what they want for christmas. Then the fire department gives out presents to all of the children in the community.

On Christmas day everyone stays home with their family and has a big Christmas dinner. On New Years Eve the community gathers together on the schools ball field. We gather their so that we could watch the fireworks at midnight. The fire works usually last around thirty to forty five minutes and after that everyone goes home. And for Russian Christmas most of the community will go to church and have a nice big family dinner after.

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