Friday, December 5, 2014

Basketball practice

I am going to talk about my high school's basketball team practices. We just started the official season on Monday this week. We have a basketball practice every day of the week except Friday.
We practice during the preseason and the regular season. The preseason started in early November.

During the pre season we did not do any kinds of basketball plays. For the first half of preseason all we did was sprint for twenty minutes and go to a weight room after. We would sprint for ten minutes straight then take a two minute break and run for another ten minutes straight. And when we went to the weight room we stayed in there for about an hour. For the second half of the preseason we sprinted for twenty minutes and did circuit training for forty minutes every day.

For the first day of the official season we started off with thirty minutes of non stop running. After we were done with that we practiced our dribbling. We were running down the court as fast as we can while dribbling the ball with our dominant hand. Then we did the same thing but with our "weak" hand. And when we were done with that we practice dribbling through our legs and around our backs. We had to dribble down the court and through our legs at the free throw then dribble behind our back at half court then through our legs again at the second free throw.

For the second day of the season we ran for thirty minutes straight again. And after that we worked a little on our shooting form. We were bouncing the ball and catching it then shooting the ball against the wall. After we were done we worked on our follow through. We were laying down on our backs and throwing the ball straight up in the air with one hand and catching it after.

For the third day of the season we ran for about thirty five to forty minutes. After we were done with that we played a game called three on three rebounding. What we did is we had three offensive players and three defensive players fighting to get the rebounds from coaches shots. After we were done with that we played a game called "pink panties." What we did in this game is that the whole team stood under the basket and everyone is trying to get the rebound and the person who does not get a rebound has to wear the "pink panties" but not really though. And at the end of practice everybody one at a time has to shoot two free throw shots. If a person misses a free throw the whole team has to do one down and back if the person misses both shots the team has to do two down and backs and if a person makes an air ball the team has to do two down and backs also.

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