Thursday, April 2, 2015

Hacky Sacking

Yesterday I played a game called hacky sack. A hacky sack is a small bag that is usually filled with sand or small beads. There are a lot of ways you could play hacky sack. But the most popular ways to play are games called "killer" and "elimination." These are the games that I played yesterday.

"Killer" is a game where you have to kick the hacky sack a certain number of times without letting it hit the ground.  And once you hit it the certain number of time you have to catch the hacky sack. And the people who did not catch the hacky sack have to sit completely still. And the if one of the people move, the person who has the hacky sack can throw it at the person who moved. And if they hit the person who moved than that person is out.

"Elimination" is a game where you have to hit the hacky sack on your first attempt to kick it. If you miss the hacky sack when you first attempt to hit it than you are out. But if you miss the hacky sack after you already kicked it once than you are still in the game. If a person catches the hacky sack in their hands than they are out. And if a person gets out than every single person who was playing gets to throw the hacky sack at that person.

It was pretty fun hacky sacking yesterday. I was playing the games with Robert and Andrey. I was able to win a few times in each game. And I was doing pretty good even though I haven't played in a long time. But yea it was pretty fun to be able to play hacky sack yesterday.


  1. It was really fun hacky sacking. I haven't played in so long! It took me a couple games to regain my skills. It was really fun because I forgot how exhilarating it was to play those games. I can't wait until I play it again!

  2. Seems like you really enjoy hacky sacking. You have to have some good foot coordination to play. I was not really good at it, but I try. I'm not Steve Nash, basketball skills, but also good foot coordination. Killer was always the game to play. Elimination was always my favorite game though. You get to throw the hack at the person.
