Monday, May 4, 2015


It has been very nice out in the past couple days. It It was nice enough out yesterday that I was able to change the oil on my Trx450r. I had two change two different oils on my bike. I have to change my engine oil every 20 hours after riding. And I have to change my transmission oil every 40 hours of riding.

1 comment:

  1. As of right now, it is snowing. It is snowing man. It is May! I guess Alaska has some surprising weather. Saint Paul it is always bipolar madness. Let us hope it does not stay like this all day. I do not like seeing snow on the ground when the season turns into summer. The weather is suppose to be hot, well kind of for Saint Paul. Like, high 40's maybe 50's. That is the weather I want. Not snow with no sunshine.
