Friday, March 27, 2015


I graduate from high school on Friday May 15th. The seniors get out of school a week before the rest of the students in the school. For the week before I graduate the seniors will be decorating the town Rec hall. The day after the seniors graduate the head start children will use the Rec hall for their graduation ceremony. And the next couple days we will be taking down all of the decorations we used.

During the summer I am going to be working as a baiter. I will be baiting for my Uncle Phillip. I baited for him last year also and made quite a bit of money. Baiting is one of the highest paying job a person could have for the summer. And hopefully I will be able to make as much money as I made last year.

I will be working with three other people. I think that two of the three people I will be working with are the same people I worked with last year. My uncle usually likes to hire two boys and two girls to work for him as a baiter. I think that my uncle will hire a different girl this year. He might hire a different girl because the other girl left for school and he does not know if she will come back this summer.

I think that baiting is a pretty good job to have for the summer. It is a good job because it is a really high paying job. And you only have to work about three to four hours a day. Also it is a very easy job to do because you are just cutting up bait and putting the bait on halibut hooks. The only down side of being a baiter is that you have to wear the same bad smelling clothes every day.

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