Friday, January 16, 2015


On Wednesday we started off our practice with two quarters of running. That only took us about 20 minutes to get that done. When we were done with that we practiced our 122 and 212 defensive plays. We did this through out the rest of the practice. When we were done with these plays we finished off our practice with our free throws.

On Thursday we started off our practice with three quarters of running. This took us only about 30 minutes to get it done. When we were finished with that we practice our 212 and 122 defensive plays. We did this for the rest of our practice again. When we were done with that we finished off our practice with our free throws.

1 comment:

  1. Practice has not been really feeling like practice besides the conditioning. I mean we are learning the new defense, but I don't know if some of us would fully commit to it. We all seemed pretty lazy hustling back. I know I was a bit. I think it is just having practice and us getting back to our sleep schedule does not makes this week like all the other weeks of practicing. All this running, and being out of shape still is taking a toll out of my body physically. Hope next week will be better, have the tournament coming up soon up in Dillingham.
