On Monday and Tuesday of bering sea days some of the high school kids went on a reindeer hunt. On Monday we were able to find the reindeer pretty fast. We had to crawl for a few hundred yards so that we could get close to them. We got pretty close to the reindeer we were about a hundred and fifty yards away. And Paul Melovidov was the person with the rifle.
Paul crawled farther then the rest of the group did. He had to get at least a hundred yards away from the reindeer. We sat their for about 40 minutes waiting for him to shoot. He got pretty close to the reindeer but he missed his shot. He missed his shot because he dropped his gun on the weekend and it threw off his scope.
On Tuesday we went on this hill called lake hill to try to see if we could spot the reindeer. We did not see them anywhere so we went on this hill called Polovina. We spotted them when we were on Polovina. We saw them by this lake called big lake. We call it big lake because it is the biggest lake on our island.
We drove our vehicles to the car dump that is near big lake. We had to walk nearly a mile until we got at least two hundred yards away from the reindeer. Once we go that close we started to flat crawl on our stomachs to try to get at least a hundred yards away. We had left our backpacks and anything that would stick out. But once we got to the destination we wanted to be at the reindeer had moved.
Because they moved three of us were about to go back to get our backpacks. But once we started to head back the reindeer had moved back to where we wanted them to be. So we went back to the rest of the group and paul had crawled farther so that he could get close to the reindeer. Paul was able to get a little then a hundred yards away form the reindeer. He missed his first shot.
After he had fired his first shot the reindeer started to run around a lot. The had ran closer to him because they were not able to see him in the grass. Once they got pretty close he had fired a second shot and he killed a reindeer. After he killed one reindeer the rest of them got even closer to him. He then sat up and the reindeer finally saw him.
After the reindeer saw him they ran towards us. It was pretty cool to be able to see the reindeer herd run past us. Since they ran past us a couple of took out our phones and ipods to take videos and pictures of the herd. A few of us went to go see the reindeer that had been killed. And two people went back to get everyones backpacks and stuff.
Paul was the only one who was able to cut the reindeer. He had to cut the reindeer down the front side of it's body. He started from the sternum and went all the way down to the rear end. He had to be very careful while doing this so that he did not puncture the stomach. If he had punctured the stomach he would have spoiled the meat.
He had to cut the throat so that he could grab the esophagus. He had grabbed the esophagus so that he could pull it down and take out all of the guts and intestines. He cut all around the neck so that he could take the head off of the body. Once all of the guts and intestines were out of the body we put the reindeer into this sled. We put it into the sled so that it would be much easier to haul back to the trucks.
After we put the reindeer in the back of the truck we went back to the school. We were at the school for about five minutes. Then we went to go hang the reindeer. Most people like to hang their reindeer so that all of the extra blood could drain out of the body. We let the reindeer hang for three days.
While it was hanging we had to take the skin and fur off of the body. We also had to take all of the fat off of the body. Then we put some game bags around the reindeer to keep bugs off of it. After three days we quartered the reindeer up so that it would be easier to cut the meat off. And that is what we did on our reindeer hunt during bering sea days.
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