Friday, February 6, 2015

St.Paul Round Robin Tournament

       The St. Paul School is hosting a basketball tournament here on St. Paul. This is the first time that St.Paul has hosted a basketball tournament with teams from other schools since about twenty or so years ago. The teams that came here are New Stuyahok, New Halen, and Port Alsworth. All the teams came in today at about 12:30 pm. There were a few of our community members who fed the teams lunch and dinner.

       There were two basketball games that went on today. The first game was at 6:30 pm tonight. New Stuyahok and Port Alsworth were the first teams to play. New Stuyahok was the team that won in that game. New Stuyahok won the game by at least thirty points.

       We played the second game that happened tonight. We played against the New Halen team. We started the game at about 8:00 pm. We beat their team by thirteen points, the final score was 67 to 54. I finished with about ten points and I had gotten a lot of rebounds.

       There will be two more games tomorrow. The first game will be at 6:30 pm. And the second game will start at about 8:00 pm again. We will be playing during the second game. I do not know who is going against who yet but I think that we will probably go against New Stuyahok. 

       There will also be two more games on Saturday morning. The first game is going to be at 8:00 in the morning. And the second game will be at 10:00 in the morning. We are going to be playing in the second game. They are having the games in the morning because all of the teams are going to be leaving in the afternoon on Saturday.

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